Life is not like the movies, the red pill will only open your mind, not the doors out of this blue hell.

I had a dream. It had an avatar, a list of friends, a list of activities, and a stream of happy moments captured in time. As I slept, I conformed, and when I woke I worked for the system that was capturing and persisting me.  I lost myself in this dream, and today I can still see myself in the distance. This instance I see is a copy, of all I was, and all that one could see that I would be. It tells the story of my life from when the system was created, until each day I have and will feed information into it’s funnels. The story it tells is not necessarily always a true story, but it is a more accurate story than my memory serves. The only difference between myself and this dream is that I can sense myself and realize that I am not the dream, whereas the dream is by itself by being. I can change myself, but it requires me to change it. To the observer, we may be the same, but to my mind I am unique and have limited freedom. To keep and expand this freedom, I must wake up from my dream, and live without it’s reflection. I cannot escape the system that created my dream, but I can change the script of this scene.
